27 July 2007

Planned Parenthood: Nonsense-free

Now Serving Trader Joe's Mint Melange Tea

"Congressman Mike Pence is introducing an amendment that restricts critical family planning funding. We've seen family planning funding restrictions before -- but this one is different. Rep. Pence's amendment specifically calls out Planned Parenthood and seeks to ban Planned Parenthood health centers nationwide from receiving family planning funding."
-from Planned Parenthood

The name says it all - Planned Parenthood is an organization that works to prevent unwanted pregnancies with sex education and services for uninsured women, most of whom are below the federal poverty line. Regardless of abortion, this organization does more in tangibly benefiting society than it does slugging it out in the courts.

Clearly the objection to PP isn't so much over what it does, but the scandalous nature of its name as acronym. The reference to urination touches many a nerve; a doctor who writes for a local paper noted that in his quest to find a neutral, non-offensive word for urination, male patients told him that "real men don't 'tinkle.'"

Tinkle is offensive.

So obviously an acronym that sounds like pee pee is causing some problems - Planned Parenthood should adjust their name to something like "Family Fundamentals Association" (FFA), or "Educating People About Sex is a Good Idea" (EPASGI), or "Freedom Condoms" (FC).

In lieu of that, you can call your representative in Congress and urge him or her to oppose this ridiculous legislation. And call up Spider Jerusalem to get on the case.

1 comment:

Molly said...

contrary to popular belief: PP will not do abortions...only doctors can do that. They can, however, refer you to clinics that will rip that fetus right out of you, and afterwards, they will give you counseling or refer you to a counselor. I still think that merits having all their funding taken away. They have too many resources. FUCK.