10 July 2007

Chocolate Chips in Your Internets

Now Serving Trader Joe's Assam Tea

"Dude...he's got cookies."
"Is that true?"
"Yeah, we've got cookies."

"...alright, I'm in."
It doesn't take much to make a man sell out. Ask Will Wright, creator of "The Sims." What started in satire ended with an in-game McDonald's ad and enough expansion packs to fill a bookcase. And "weaknesspays" is a SimCity 4 cheat code. Coincidence? I think not.

And look at me. I've plugged three products already (four if you count cookies) in the middle of the independent-expression blogosphere, like baking Chips Ahoy! chocolate chips into your internets. To be fair, one of them completely deserves the love, and the other two I dissed. But if negative publicity is still good publicity, there's going to be a lot of good publicity in this blog. And delicious tea.

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