18 July 2007

It's Not Political at All

Now Serving Trader Joe's Ruby Red Chai

CBS and Fox News refuse to show this Trojan ad because it's inappropriate (unlike ads for penis pills which contain the word "erection").

According to this NY Times article, Comcast refused to show the ad during Adult Swim because they deemed it inappropriate for children that might be watching.

CBS' website now has this link: "KnowHIVAIDS.org"

I followed that link, and it didn't take me long to find this: "Always use a condom for vaginal or anal sex, and barrier methods, such as a condom or dental dam, for oral sex."

I'm glad these people are preaching abstinence-only; I wouldn't want them reproducing.


Anonymous said...

Trader Joe's = basically heaven on earth. for everyone, agnostics included. But I haven't tried their tea. I should.

(I have the best Christmas tea though you gotta try some :D)

PS I hope they don't ban that commercial here. I think its funny as all get out

Your Fabulous Singing Mongoose said...

we cheer when it comes on now XD