16 July 2007

Bridge May Have Terrorists

Now Serving Stash Peach Tea


So the reason we aren't impeaching Bush isn't because we like him, but because he only has something like a year and a half left. An impeachment would bitterly divide the nation in a long, arduous process that would result in kicking him out right when he would have left anyway, and in the meantime Congress would do nothing else.

But let's not talk about what Congress wouldn't do (because they don't anyway); let's talk about what Bush would. The Capitol Steps have a skit where the four liberal Supreme Court justices sing "Staying Alive." The New Yorker had this article by Jeffrey Toobin on the many successes enjoyed by conservatives on the newly-oriented Supreme Court.

Everyone knows about the partial-birth-abortion ban, where Justice Kennedy called fetuses "infants." Less well-known is the case where "the justices rejected an appeal by a [death row] prisoner who had filed his case before a deadline set by a federal district judge. Because the judge had misread the law and given the prisoner too much time—three extra days—the Court said that the case had to be thrown out."

Toobin points out: "At this moment, the liberals face not only jurisprudential but actuarial peril. Stevens is eighty-seven and Ginsburg seventy-four; Roberts, Thomas, and Alito are in their fifties."

A year and a half is a long time for this busy boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.