19 August 2007

You Will Take Their Lies to Your Grave

Now Serving: The World According to People That Want Your Money

Sometimes I think that most of humanity is soulless.

Dugg: "Fox News Caught Editing Wikipedia [Changes Included]"

"Virgil Griffith, a good friend and fellow hacker, reminds us today that anonymity on the internet does not really exist. Finding out that someone from the Fox News network changed this..."

It's not just Fox, though that of course attracts the most attention on Digg. Apparently people using computers from the CIA, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Vatican, Diebold (the voting machine company), and the Canadian government have dishonestly tampered with articles.

As great as Virgil Griffiths' work has been in outing these intellectual perverts, he can only slow the inevitable. Powerful people who want to disingenuously influence public opinion will find a way to do it anonymously. They threaten Wikipedia, and all that it means to the millions of people who use it. And just as Wikipedia is not alone in spreading information, aiding communication, and allowing expression, so is the rest of the internet threatened by the ulterior motives of unscrupulous people. It's not just protecting net neutrality that we have to worry about.

read more | digg story

17 August 2007

My Buddy List

Now Serving Trader Joe's Sencha Green Tea
It's the LAST DAY. They're attempting to take stock of supplies...recovering...appeasing the work demons. I'll be back later. Can I go back to France yet? Because here in Soviet Canada, "aboot" says you. Sleep hath its own world, and The Whole World's Watching. The Whole...

She feels uncomfortable when her computer...
She puts on her uniform and goes to work.

12 August 2007

Many Bothans Died to Bring Us These T-Shirts

Now Serving The Te of Piglet

I am abusing this interesting story to advance my political agenda. They say making profit from the names of the dead should be illegal, and I agree; let's also take action against newspapers that report on local sons who've died in Iraq.

While we're at it, let's take action against any contracted soldiers (or as we in the City of Delusion sometimes refer to them, "mercenaries") who handle any information regarding dead soldiers. There are what, 100,000* "contracted soldiers" in Iraq? I'm just glad we don't have a socialized army.

Let's assault protest efforts, to limit them and intimidate other protesters. Let's appeal to nationalist emotions and raise a big commotion about things that aren't important.

The only "political agenda" being advanced here is the agenda of people that are tired of losing loved ones. How it could possibly be disrespectful to display the names of the dead - the very reason we want to leave - is beyond me.

*Edit: I was wrong. It's 180,000, according to Harper's Magazine. (Scott Horton, Death of a (Contract) Soldier, 8-8-07)

09 August 2007

A Tribute to Harper's Index

Revenue in "the last year of Bill Clinton," according to James Pinkerton in a Newsday article: $2.025 trillion

Revenue projected for this year thanks to "supply-side magic," also according to Pinkerton: $2.458 trillion

$2.025 trillion adjusted by the inflation rate from January 1999 to June 2007: $2.567 trillion

04 August 2007

Freedom of what now?

Now Serving Tazo Chai Organic Spiced Black Tea

What would you say if you found out that the Michigan senate blocked Senate employees' access to a blog that said unkind things about it, and lied about the reason why? Would you digg it?

And "the site Mike Bishop doesn't want you to see."
Edit: Guess what I found at the site Mike Bishop doesn't want you to see?

There's not much to say; it's so obvious what's going on here. Don't let this go unnoticed. Write Mike Bishop and tell him what you think. Let other people know about this.

02 August 2007

The Young Hero

I am surprised
when the singing woman doesn't really care
that women once weren't allowed to sing.

I am confused
to see black men reject February,
while ebon men embrace it.

I feel betrayed
by Colombians drinking Coca-Cola
who patiently remind me:

I made an ass of you and me
at the demonstration,
with my grin and friendly demeanor.

No one wants a $100 computer.

Dugg: "Rove refuses to testify on role in prosecutor firings"

Now Serving Water So Good it's Eight Dollars a Gallon from Aquafina

"White House senior adviser Karl Rove has rebuked a Senate Judiciary Committee subpoena and will not appear Thursday to testify about his role in the firing of nine US Attorneys, Sen. Patrick Leahy said late Wednesday."

Every moment we let these people get away with what they're doing, we're broadcasting a message that our government is dysfunctional and our laws aren't enforced. Fear of getting caught is what keeps most politicians from going this far, but now that Bush has demonstrated how blissfully unaware the American people are, future presidents will be more partisan, more secretive, more authoritative, and stoop to dirtier and dirtier deeds. A Rudy Giuliani would certainly accelerate the problem, but I don't even want to talk about the 08 elections until we've dealt with the current, catastrophic president.

I wonder where I can bet on the odds of a pre-election terrorist attack...

read more | digg story

01 August 2007

On the Hunt

Now Serving Trader Joe's Sencha Green Tea

"I'm glad they're dropping the suit against the passengers, but I'm upset and not comfortable because they're still suing the airlines...you know, the airlines are just trying to do their jobs...they were getting up, walking around and talking to each other...They did it on purpose, I'm sure of it...I mean there were people with children on that flight! How could they do that to children? They're just...they're cold-hearted, that's what they are..."

What is this woman talking about, and where? She's on Fox News, because she was a passenger on a flight where six imams were arrested for acting suspicious.

...on to an argument between Jim Cavuto and Dennis Kucinich. Hey look, "HYPOCRI$Y" is up as they discuss what Democrats are saying about the market.

Later, Jim Cavuto admits he can't spell "physicist!" Ahaha.

Just twenty minutes of Fox's "Your World Cavuto" as I watch advertisements. I can't say I fully support everything Moveon.org does, but I'll gladly join in on some Fox-bashing.

If you're still not convinced that Fox is biased to the point of irrelevance, watch their ads nowadays. I'm not a frequent viewer, but I seem to recall a little more subtlety from the network's advertisements - now they've got the National Review and the Weekly Standard selling their mags to anyone that's as scared of Nancy Pelosi as they are.

Oooh, and now a story about a woman living lavishly on welfare checks as she beat and tortured eleven adopted children. What, wasn't she also a homosexual Harry Potter-reading Islamic registered Democrat? Only on Fox...