12 July 2008

Dead-End Machine

At the outset, I lied and said that I understood how funny it all was. You would too, if you were me. But now, I think I really get the joke. Maybe.

When it got really bad, I used to scream my lungs out. I don't any more.

I used to deceive myself. I don't any more.

I used to cycle. I don't any more.

I used to eat pancakes for dinner. I don't any more.

I used to sit for the national anthem. Now I stand.

I used to look forward to things; now I live in the present.

I used to like every movie I saw. I don't any more. (Blame formulaic father-son movies.)

I used to think my youth was in the past. I don't any more.

I used myself up.

Perhaps that judgement is arrogant, ignorant and hasty - but there it is. When I was little I used to try to convince my mom that I was stupid; she kept saying I was wrong, and I countered that if I was wrong, wasn't I stupid? I guess that was arrogant, ignorant and hasty.

Yes, I see the irony. Maybe.

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