13 August 2008

This is Why I Don't Trust Barack Obama

Now Serving Betrayal, Again

I'll Stand By This Accusation With a Straight Face, Thank You Very Much.

Extra Bonus Game Time - Courtesy of the Political Compass' "Iconochasms" quiz!

"Who in 1997 championed the privatization of California's National Oil Reserve, and the subsequent drilling by Occidental that resulted in serious environmental damage, destruction to a sacred Indian burial ground and a windfall for his family trust's Occidental stocks? (Occidental also put a pipeline through the Colombian rain forest.)"

a) Robert Redford
b) Al Gore
c) Ralph Nader
d) David Cobb

"Who said that the introduction of nuclear power will both provide for the growing needs of Iran's economy and free remaining oil reserves for export or conversion to petrochemicals?"

a) Henry Kissinger
b) Dick Cheney
c) Paul Wolfowitz
d) Donald Rumsfeld

(1) worked for Senator McCarthy during his red witch hunts and
(2) permitted J.Edgar Hoover to wiretap Martin Luther King?"

a) J.K. Galbraith
b) Robert Kennedy
c) George McGovern
d) Ted Kennedy

For answers (and the entire quiz), I again direct you to The Political Compass' "Ichonocasms" quiz.

Now, I know what you're saying. "Tell me about something that actually has to do with Obama." Alright, okay - if you insist.

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