18 August 2008


Now Serving More Interwebby Goodness

Pandora Radio had better Watch Out. So many new age projects! So many revolutions and bright futures! I can't see any more.

I think this confuses some things, but it's definitely interesting.

Dial a Human!
Oh, man! That's classic! Before I go off mocking somebody for the fact that this thing exists, I'm going to bookmark it...what? I don't actually call those numbers, heavens no! I'm not a consumer, I swear...

Nothing new in this one, just kinda clever...

You could have a lot of demographic fun analyzing this gas-map. Is gas in higher demand, generally, in western states?

I wonder if this artist is affiliated with Depthcore at all? Either way, I've been led to Desktopography by him.

17 August 2008

"We're the Same Capitalists as You"

Now Serving Survival Knowledge

And if you don't like it, talk to Alexander Litvinenko!

Everyone's talking about the western media bias regarding the war in Georgia. I'll admit it's not a clear-cut case of good vs. evil, but it's hard to ignore the massive quantities of evil produced by the Russian mob.

Meanwhile: which one is the Grand Oil Party again?

16 August 2008

And You Can Safely Microwave Plastic, Too

Now Serving BPA, because it builds character

The FDA is Looking Out for You, but not really. They're drinking the kool-aid put out by the American Chemistry Council (read: the industry that benefits from BPA being legal) and their Lies, Courtesy of a Google Sponsored Link. I think the kool-aid has been spiked, with lots of dollars.

So...Failure Drug Administration? Food and Drug Approval? Fiscally Drugged Assholes? I can't settle on one.

14 August 2008

Greater Chain of Bullying

Now Serving Savagery

United States
South Ossetia

The War on Terror: Railing hopelessly since 2001.

I think the kicker, for me, has been watching Sean Hannity tell a woman from the Westboro Baptist Church that she was "soulless, thoughtless, mean human being." Man, that's a hoot. That's Daily Show material, right there.

If you're like me, and you like laughing, watch Louis Theroux's time with them.

13 August 2008

This is Why I Don't Trust Barack Obama

Now Serving Betrayal, Again

I'll Stand By This Accusation With a Straight Face, Thank You Very Much.

Extra Bonus Game Time - Courtesy of the Political Compass' "Iconochasms" quiz!

"Who in 1997 championed the privatization of California's National Oil Reserve, and the subsequent drilling by Occidental that resulted in serious environmental damage, destruction to a sacred Indian burial ground and a windfall for his family trust's Occidental stocks? (Occidental also put a pipeline through the Colombian rain forest.)"

a) Robert Redford
b) Al Gore
c) Ralph Nader
d) David Cobb

"Who said that the introduction of nuclear power will both provide for the growing needs of Iran's economy and free remaining oil reserves for export or conversion to petrochemicals?"

a) Henry Kissinger
b) Dick Cheney
c) Paul Wolfowitz
d) Donald Rumsfeld

(1) worked for Senator McCarthy during his red witch hunts and
(2) permitted J.Edgar Hoover to wiretap Martin Luther King?"

a) J.K. Galbraith
b) Robert Kennedy
c) George McGovern
d) Ted Kennedy

For answers (and the entire quiz), I again direct you to The Political Compass' "Ichonocasms" quiz.

Now, I know what you're saying. "Tell me about something that actually has to do with Obama." Alright, okay - if you insist.

11 August 2008

Chasing My Tail

Today I smoked Al Capone's operations in Honduras.

Optimists forge ahead, pleasing everyone. T. Boone Pickens and Steve Jobs buy clothing from American Apparel. The miracles we impatiently wait for eventually arrive and we all celebrate, hugging enemies with growing warmth and good cheer. Everyone has a beer.

...I'm out of beer.

One of my friends thinks that Vladimir Putin is the antichrist. I wonder what these past few days have been like for him? I wonder how this relates to his motivations, desires, and long-term intentions?

Pink Autumn Hero Dream

Now Serving Peanuts and Water


One drug two drug three drug blue drug,
four fever five fever six fever jive fever,
seven drug eight drug nine drug late drug,
ten fever eleven fever twelve fever heaven fever.

It's crashing across the mind
unlooked for and welcome
and with great strain grasped
before slipping,

and falling,

and breaking its hip, then

stuffed and looked upon longingly.


I'm sober. These have just been whirling around my mind, and I caught them while sleep-fishing.

And, I just heard Pat Carrabre say "You can guess that the pattern music is about to continue" for the second time tonight. I heard it first an hour ago.

06 August 2008

My Everything Hurts

Susan LeFevre is still in jail.

Maybe this isn't such a bad thing. Sure, it's an unethical and unnecessary waste of the state's money to incarcerate a harmless woman for a non-violent drug-related crime she committed several decades ago, but when you really think about it...never mind.

Turned into a rhetorical battleground and forgotten, I sure hope we never have to count on Susan LeFevre's faith in humanity for anything important.

...or our government.

The "War on Drugs" has really become a punch-line, in and of itself. Why'd the chicken cross the road? The War on Drugs! Ahahaha. Ahaha. Ugh.

Anybody got a light? No? Alright, I'm out.

02 August 2008

Gone Digging

But Then What Happened? (The citizens were arrested for trespassing and released without charges.)

Where Were You Four Years Ago? (Working on this?)

You know, they say China is finding authoritarian stability by providing a cozy middle-class lifestyle in place of human rights. "Now it seems possible," Perry Link tells Ken Silverstein of Harper's Magazine, "that Chinese leaders will establish a model - not just for China itself but for other countries around the world that admire the way the Chinese government is structuring its society in an authoritarian manner but also making money, so that the populace is kept happy without democracy or civil liberties."

Bring It On,
we've got New Yorker reporters ready to take you. (Where was Seymour Hirsch four years ago? Receiving a Menorah Award. He was on the bandwagon before it was the bandwagon.)

Diggers Dig Nancy Pelosi
; forget that turning off the lights and killing the microphones saves energy (as opposed to congress talking about gas prices, which is a waste of energy).

No one's willing to admit that they have it in for female politicians. One can speak truth without maintaining an honest focus; if the President started talking about how grass is green and 2+2 is 4, we'd say that real issues are being ignored, wouldn't we? How hard is it to prove that a politician is dirty?

Carl Pope
Thinks This Man is a Hero.

Also, did you know that MoveOn.org resorts to the same slimy partisan-non-profit fundraising tactics as the College Republicans? (Did you know that Jack Abramoff used to lead the College Republicans, and turned them into the Republican farm system they are today? Did you know that he and other Republicans of the era were stalwartly behind apartheid South Africa?) Now who do you trust, eh?

Are you like me? Do you only trust Hunter S. Thompson and a few other dead people?