07 October 2007

Say "What" Again!

Now Serving Swiss Tea

So, George W. Bush is still the president. If I were around Sammy J, I'd be Swiss cheese by now.

Speaking of the Swiss, they have awesome public bathrooms. (That's one-way glass if you're wondering.) When it comes to European water closets, people always seems to be getting excited about the Russians and Fins, but I tell you, don't count out the Swiss. It's not just chocolate and watches any more! And you can be sure that these toilets are cleaned in a punctual fashion.*

Our president should visit a Swiss bathroom, to collect ideas for our own excremental infrastructure. Then he should stick his head in and flush incessantly. Or just shoot himself in the face, that would work too (metaphorically speaking).

HOLY "crude political hyperbole" BATMAN, IT'S A FELONY!

Fortunately, this blog is not unlike a Swiss public bathroom - it's awesome, surrounded by one-way glass, occasionally full of shit, and ever so socialist (but not really?)!

Someday, if I am teaching philosophy of language, I will use Pulp Fiction to help get my students "into it." I will ask:

Which of these sentences is correct: "Say what again!" or "Say 'what' again!"

Students who answer incorrectly will, naturally, be shot by Samuel L. Jackson. He'll ask them if I (the teacher) look like a bitch, and when they say "no," he will say "then why did you try to fuck him like a bitch?" (The women and gay men in my class will, at this point, begin giggling.) The students will think this is very cool, and I will be beloved across campus by all.

In closing, Bruce Springsteen is pretty awesome, isn't he?

*Edit: Who better than John Hersey to explain the reason behind these novelties? Recalling that in Switzerland (and much of Europe) public bathrooms sometimes have a small charge, he noted that nothing ensures a high turnover-rate in a bathroom like the feeling that everyone out in the street can see you - or, if the government charges per minute, such a toilet booth might also make money from creepier customers who spend a good forty-five minutes in it while there's a cute girl in the cafe across the street.

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