01 October 2007

Newses and newses of newses

Now Serving Trader Joe's Orange Spice Rooibos Herbal Tea

Bill O'Reilly says he's being smeared; he should get a kerchief

Check this out: "If you listened to the full hour," says O'Reilly, "it was a criticism of racism on the part of white Americans who are ignorant of the fact that there is no difference between white and black anymore" [my emphasis].

Remember when Peter from Family Guy got a job as an opinionated talk show host?

Meanwhile, take a gander at what our Democratic congress is doing! Now I can go to Hell comfortable in the knowledge that it will be very, very frozen over. While I'm at it, did you know that Michigan (interestingly the home of Hell) is one of few states without a state-level mental health parity bill?

Civilization at its finest!

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