12 May 2008

Where the Hell is John Hagee

If I told you that one of the major candidates in the 2008 Presidential elections has a fiery, insensitive, politically unstable miscreant preacher in his closet, would you think of John Hagee?

No, Reverend Wright hasn't changed his name any time recently. I'm talking about John McCain's pastor, who's disturbingly almost a mirror image of Wright - where Wright says inflammatory, silly things about America, Hagee says inflammatory and silly things about Catholicism and Islam.

Don't ask me why the press has almost completely forgotten to mention this schmuck. I'm sure it has nothing to do with any kind of wrongdoing or unethical journalism, and has everything to do with Obama just being more newsworthy.

Speaking of John McCain, watch the poor old bastard in this video. Listen to that nervous laughter! This guy just isn't cut out to be a filthy liar, and it's depressing to watch him try.

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